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IVF – In Vitro Fertilization Treatment

Are you a childless couple frantically searching the Best IVF clinic in Ahmedabad with Highest IVF success rate? If yes, it is important for you to know what the IVF treatment procedure involves and what it requires of you.

IVF is a complex medical procedure that involves several stages in the preparation for fertilization and then the actual fertilizing of an egg. Every couple wants to take treatment from the Best IVF Center in India to get the most out of their fertility treatment. That is why they are willing to spend a hefty amount of money on the IVF process. Thus they must rely on and choose the Best IVF Center in India, that can provide the right treatment and services at the right time.

At Wellspring IVF and Women Hospital, we serve our patients with the best kind of treatment facilities. We are the Best Test Tube Baby Centre in India, working constantly to help many parents to achieve their dream of becoming a parent. Our experts at our test tube baby center provide assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures for couples who have been unsuccessful at having a child through natural conception. So, if you are thinking about getting a baby through IVF, then your search for the best test tube baby center in India ends here

Apart from the physical changes that you will experience as part of the treatment protocol, a test tube baby treatment also takes an emotional toll on you and your partner. That is why it is important to know what the IVF procedure is about before you visit any fertility clinic in India. Read on to know about IVF treatment and how it can help you conceive a child of your own.

What is IVF Treatment?

In vitro fertilization, or IVF treatment, is a type of assisted reproductive technology (ART) that involves fertilizing the eggs with a sperm in a laboratory setting. In the natural order of things, the fertilization process takes place inside the human body, in a woman’s fallopian tubes to be precise. The term is derived from Latin, where ‘vitro’ means glass. So ‘in vitro fertilization’ is nothing but ‘in glass fertilization’. It is a reference to the laboratory petri dish in which the fertilization of the egg takes place.

Upon the egg’s fertilization, embryos are formed which are then transferred into the intending mother’s uterus (womb). The pregnancy test is performed two weeks later after the embryo transfer with the hope of IVF success.

When is IVF Treatment Recommended?

IVF can treat numerous causes of infertility. These include

  • Women suffering from moderate to severe endometriosis and who do not respond positively to repeated IUI treatment.
  • Partially or fully blocked or damaged fallopian tubes. This can be the result of previous reproductive surgery or pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • Severe male factor infertility can be caused by low sperm count or poor sperm motility. In such cases, IVF-ICSI is recommended where ICSI treatment is an extra step in the IVF procedure.
  • Women of advanced reproductive age. In such cases, time is of the essence and the success rate using treatments other than IVF treatment is low.
  • For unexplained fertility issues where the exact cause of infertility has not been established and other treatments have failed.

Thanks to advances in the field, the price of IVF treatment in India has come down significantly. Costs related to the medication, doctor’s fees and the procedure itself have reduced by a huge margin since the time the first test-tube baby was delivered in India. The same could also be said for the IVF success rate in India. Worldwide, the highest success rate of IVF is in the late 30s to the early 40s and IVF in India offer success rates that are almost in a similar range.

How is IVF Procedure Performed?

Contrary to popular perception, IVF is not a single-step procedure that is performed in the laboratory. Instead, it’s a long process that normally stretches over 6 weeks and involves a succession of interlinked steps. Each of the test tube baby procedures step by step is explained in detail below.

Test Tube Baby Procedure Step by Step

Step 1: Stimulation of the Ovaries

Here the woman is being prescribed fertility drugs, which are nothing but hormones, in order to stimulate the ovaries into producing more eggs than normal. A woman’s ovaries normally produce one egg per ovulation cycle. After administering the drugs, the growth of eggs is continuously monitored using Trans Vaginal ultrasound scans and regular blood tests. This ensures the eggs are harvested at the correct time.

Step 2: Egg Retrieval

Ovulation is the right time to collect eggs from the woman. After she is put under light sedation, an ultrasound probe is introduced into her vagina. The probe relays the exact location of the follicles within the ovaries to an ultrasound monitor. Using a needle attached to a suction device, the eggs, and related fluid are pulled out of each follicle one by one. The process is repeated for the second ovary. Once the procedure is completed, the woman may experience some cramping which usually disappears within 24 hours.

In case the woman is not able to produce eggs or does not want to, donor eggs can be used instead.

Step 3: Insemination & Fertilization

The male partner is asked produce a semen sample on the same day as egg collection. As a precaution, a semen sample is also asked for and cryopreserved at the time of ovaries stimulation (Step 1). In a normal IVF treatment, the best quality eggs and sperm are put together in an environmentally controlled chamber. This mixing of the eggs and sperm is known as insemination. Within a few hours of starting this process, a sperm manages to enter an egg thus causing fertilization.

Step 4: Embryo Culture

When a fertilized egg divides, the result is an embryo. This embryo is regularly observed to ensure it’s growing correctly. Within 3-5 days, a normal embryo tends to have multiple cells that keep dividing rapidly.

Step 5: Embryo Transfer

Around 3-5 days after retrieving and fertilizing the eggs and after the embryos have attained a certain size, one to three embryos are placed in the woman’s uterus (womb). Blastocyst embryo transfer is preferred over day 3 embryo transfer because of best IVF Success rate. This is done by inserting a catheter (a fine tube made of plastic) via the cervix and into the uterine cavity using ultrasound guidance. If the embryo manages to attach itself to the inner wall of the uterus (known as implantation) and is able to successfully grow, pregnancy is established.

The process of embryo transfer is quite similar to that of Trans-Vaginal Ultrasound and generally involves no pain or use of anaesthesia. Multiple embryos can be placed in the womb, which can result in multiple pregnancy involving twins, triplets or even more. The decision about how many embryos can be transferred is based on multiple factors like the woman’s age and previously unsuccessful IVF treatments if any. If only one embryo is chosen for transfer, the remaining can be frozen, implanted or even donated with the consent of both partners.

Two weeks after the embryo transfer, the woman’s blood testing is done to conclude if pregnancy has been successfully established.

Our Team

Dr Pranay Shah

Director and Chief Fertility Consultant

Dr. Divyesh Bhalodia

Clinical Embryologist

Dr. Dhruti Maheshwari


What To Expect During IVF Treatment?

An IVF cycle stretches over a period of 6 weeks. Studies have proved that if couples manage their stress before and during IVF treatment, their chances of success rise significantly. A woman undergoing the treatment usually undergoes the following things

  • Multiple clinic visits
  • Ingesting or injecting fertility drugs as per the time-table is drawn by the doctor
  • Regular Trans-Vaginal Ultrasound scans to observe the follicles
  • An outpatient procedure involving mild general anaesthesia to retrieve the eggs
  • Another outpatient procedure for transferring the embryo
  • A daily dose of progesterone either as an oral formulation, an injection or a vaginal gel to facilitate embryo implantation
  • Waiting for two weeks at least before taking a test to confirm pregnancy

What is the Success Rates of IVF?

As per SART, which is the Society of Assisted Reproductive Technologies, the IVF success rate is as follows,

  • 41-43% for women under 25 years of age
  • 33-36% for women aged between 35 and 37

  • 23-27% for women aged between 38 and 40
  • 13-18% for women aged above 41

Wellspring IVF & Women’s Hospital is one of the best IVF Centers in Ahmedabad India with Highest IVF Success Rate of more than 70% with its unique treatment protocol.

The primary factors that affect IVF treatment success rates are maternal age, ovarian function and the duration of infertility. Women between the ages of 23 and 37 are best placed to benefit from IVF. Many women, especially over 38, are not able to produce enough number of oocytes of their own. Therefore IVF along with donor oocyte is a good option in such cases.

However, in case IVF fertility treatment not able to help a couple get pregnant, surrogacy is the only viable option. Although there are numerous surrogacy centres in India, very few are delivering good success.

How a Low-Cost IVF in Ahmedabad Can Help You?

Ahmedabad as a whole is an excellent destination for affordable test tube baby treatment. If you want quality fertility treatment at an affordable price, get in touch with us today. We offer an affordable test tube baby cost. Moreover, Wellspring is the best test tube baby center Gujarat has seen in a while. If you are looking for a quality and affordable IVF center, Ahmedabad is an excellent location in India where Wellspring is the leading fertility clinic that offers IVF, ICSI, IMSI, semen freezing, embryo freezing (vitrification), PGS (Preimplantation Genetic Screening) & PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis)

IVF Treatment FAQ’s

What Should I Avoid During IVF?

In this 21st century everything is possible. IVF i.e. In Vitro Fertilization is one of those possibilities made true. IVF is a medical technique in which the eggs are fertilized outside the human body and are implanted back into uterus. A woman undergone IVF, needs to take proper safety measures. Some of them are:

  1. Avoid Intercourse.
  2. No Heavy Lifting.
  3. Avoid junk food.
  4. No Strenuous Exercise.
  5. Avoid refined & processed carbohydrate and sugar.
  6. Avoid heavy saturated and unsaturated fats.

Apart from safety precautions, a woman should leave all other worries behind. Try to be happy and cheerful.

How Long Does It Take To Get Pregnant With IVF?

IVF is not a one day process, it’s a series of procedures put together. Ideally, it takes 10 to 14 days for the eggs to grow. Once that happens, couples are called for extraction and fertilisation of eggs. After this procedure, the couple would be asked to visit again within a couple of days to implant the embryo into the uterus.

For couples below the age of 35, eggs are quite healthy; many of them may get success with conception at just one session.

What Are Typical IVF Success Rates?

There are various IVF success factors including age, previous pregnancy, type of fertility problems, use of donor eggs, lifestyle habits, quality skills of Embryologist, Type of protocol used for IVF treatment, Embryology lab facilities of fertility clinic, expertisation of fertility consultant,…etc.

The typical IVF success rates according to age are:

  • 40-43% for women under 35
  • 33-36% for women 35-37
  • 13-18% for women 40-44
  • Unlikely for women over 44

It is studied that averagely a woman has to go through 2.7 cycles of IVF treatment in order to conceive successfully.

Does IVF Lead To Twins And Multiple Births?

To your question one word answer here is, NO. The IVF process itself does not lead to twins or multiple births directly, though if we study statistically, the rate of multiple births in IVF is much more then for the women who conceive naturally. The main reason can be the practice of transferring more than one embryo at a time in an IVF cycle it can be avoided by precise practice of conducting IVF cycle, and most of the leading fertility experts now consider elective single blastocyst stage embryo transfers to be the best practice.

Are There Any Side Effects Associated With IVF?

Unlike other medical procedures, even IVF comes up with some side effects. Post the IVF treatment; women usually can face some tenderness in their breasts, headaches, hot flashes. Women also undergo mood swings, mild pain in abdomen and slight bloating in their abdomen. Constipation is also one of the common side effects after the IVF treatment. Also, they face contraction of muscles in the body. Rarest of the side effects is an Ovarian Hyper- Simulation Syndrome.

Thus, undergoing IVF does have some risks involved, though most of the side effects are short lived

However, IVF is surely worth it for the couples who wish to have babies but can’t do so naturally.

Are There Risks To Having A Baby Through IVF?

In-vitro fertilization has been proved to be very effective infertility treatment over time. Since the year 1977, there have been a number of births by the process of IVF. There had been a number of successful births by the year 2019. This has now become quite a famous and common process to achieve pregnancy fast in case of infertility. Researches show that there are no significant genetic differences between babies who are born naturally and those conceived by IVF. There might be some health risks involved. But, researchers believe that there is no solid proof that the procedure of IVF can produce babies with defects.

How Long Does IVF Treatment Take?

Having a baby is the greatest miracle in the life of women, and for those who can’t have a baby, there is IVF. In this method, the sperm and egg are combined in a laboratory dish and it is carefully monitored throughout the process of fertilization. Within a matter of 4 to 6 weeks the cycle of IVF is completed, making it the most effective and efficient way of conceiving when other conservative fertility treatments are not able to deliver result. Typically, just after 12 days to 2 weeks of the process of embryo transfer, the patient is recommended to take a blood test to ensure pregnancy.

What Exactly Is IVF?

In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) is widely used for infertility treatment. It is performed with the blend of medical and surgical process. In IVF treatment, the Fertility specialist removes eggs from the body of female through a small needle with the help of ultrasound and fertilizes them with sperm of male in an authorized embryology lab. Hence, the egg develops into an embryo after fertilisation process. The embryo further gets implanted in the uterus of female. The fertility consultant uses a thin tube to insert the embryo directly into the uterus. A healthy pregnancy takes place when embryo gets attached to the lining of the uterus. IVF is a long process; it takes few weeks to accomplish. Possibilities of a healthy pregnancy increase, if you or your partner has fertility issues.

Facts About India

  • WellSpring IVF Women Hospital is proud to offer IVF treatment in India, which is located in the Ahmedabad, Gujarat state of India.
  • The name India derived from Indus and it was previously known as Republic of India.
  • India has 29 states and 7 union territories.
  • The capital of India is New Delhi and other metropolises cities include Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Lucknow and Kolkata.
  • The Largest city of India is Mumbai.
  • WellSpring IVF Women Hospital’s provide one of the best IVF treatment in India at budget cost.
  • India is one of the largest democracies in the world.
  • In addition to WellSpring IVF Women Hospital, India attracts many of the leading public healthcare.
  • Last in order of mention, WellSpring IVF Women Hospital’s cover all over India as well as across the world.
  • The country of India is bordered by China, Nepal and Bhutan to the north-east.
  • Top cities of India is Pune, jaipur, Surat, Ahmedabad, Indore, Ludhiana, Bhopal, Kochi, Bhubaneswar, New Delhi, Visakhapatnam and lots more.

